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National Fiscal Outlook 2023-24_web tile

2023-24 National fiscal outlook

This report combines Commonwealth, state and territory budget data to examine the fiscal outlook across all levels of Australian government.


31 October 2023

Research report
Why do costings change_web tile

Why do costings change?

This Budget Bite explains why costings for the same policy can change as a result of revised economic forecasts, or using different time periods.


26 October 2023

Budget Bite
homepage image tile

Annual Report 2022-23

Read our annual report to understand our priorities, key activities, and achievements during 2022-23.


13 October 2023

Corporate publication

Latest Interactive Tools

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Build your own budget

An experimental tool to explore the impact of different economic assumptions and policy settings of your choice.

Searchable costings

PDI calculator

The Public Debt Interest (PDI) calculator estimates the costs of servicing debt.


Fiscal sustainability dashboard

Interactive dashboard to provide trajectories for gross debt using selected scenarios of key variables.

More from the PBO



Publicly released costings or budget analyses outside the caretaker period.

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Online budget glossary

Explains key terms related to the Commonwealth Government budget in a non-technical way.

About budgets
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Data portal

Consolidated research report-related data for ease-of-access.

Data and tools